That was the first respond my brother had when the driver of GX3119M made an illegal right turn on a straight going lane. And yes, my brother is in for another accident again. Can't understanding why he kept getting into accidents. Is it him, the car or the other road users?
This time, he was traveling along Raffles Ave towards Stamford Rd at the junction of Esplanade Dr & Nicoll Highway. Out of a sudden, this van ignoring the traffic rules made an illegal right turn & hit the left front of my brother's car. The van didn't stop & continue to make the right turn, therefore, this force my brother to turn right also. After both made the right turn, the van had no intention of stopping until it reached the red light junction ahead. My brother's passenger hurried run to the van & confronted them, stopping them from getting away when the traffic light turns green. When the driver steps out, "Give Way Lar" was how she responded.To my surprise, the driver was Dinah Chan Siew Kheng, our national top female triathlete. What's wrong with our youth nowadays? Is our engineered way of education system only take care of the academic aspect but not the social & behavioral aspects? Many may still remembered her as she was slapped with a competition ban for being caught alone together in a hotel room with our national top male triathlete Mok Ying Ren during the Asian Beach Games in Bali last October 2008.
We have made a police report against her, but have not proceed with the third party claim. In the end, we have decided not to proceed with the claim after her father, Mr Patrick Chan had assessed the damage & knowing its his daughter's fault, said will bear all repair costs.
Oh, by the way, she's driving her father's company van.
Wa, didn't she say sorry after banging into the car? Dinah Chan Siew Kheng is not a nice girl ah.... national cyclist so what... bang people never say sorry... bad attitude!
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