Season 2 Showdown of Jean Danker’s Fearless Fun Female is tonight over at Zirca, Clark Quay.
Still remember the last season's mud fight @ The Arena? If you do, guess you won't be missing today's showdown. Heard over the radio that there are not 2, but 3 finalist battling out this time round for the grand prize of 2 Concert Tickets to catch The Pussycat Dolls in Jakarta on 2nd June, with flight and hotel stay paid for.Fearless Fun Female 1 : Sarah Teo, 24
Job : Part-time law student and also works in events.
Most fearless thing she's done : Sat on the exhilarating Superman Escape Ride in Movie World, scaled the Sydney Harbour Bridge and did a 'turkey' dance on stage in front of a roomful of complete strangers! Will definitely join Amazing Race or Fear Factor should the opportunity arise!
Fearlessness on the radio :
* Slurped up all her fish head curry!
* Ate chili sauce, wasabi & tabasco too!!Fearless Fun Female 2 : Caroline Chok, 31
Job : Personal Fitness Trainer
Most fearless thing she's done : Freefall skydived at 5000 feet, couldn't find drop zone, whizzed passed clouds and thought she wasn't gonna survive when she saw the highway with cars! At 1000 feet, was still searching for a safe place to land, at 500 feet, took the chance and landed on a roof top! Survived, but with back injuries! She STILL skydives!!
Fearlessness on the radio :
* She gets 'inked' by Jack and Rai!
* Leg lifts whilst singing!
* Bikini in studioFearless Fun Female 3 : Sarah Alkaff, 28
Job : Graphic Designer.
Most fearless thing she's done : She's skydived, climbed the highest mountain in Southeast Asia, painted her whole body black to look like the Ipod commercials for Halloween, dyed her hair red to match her red shoes!
Fearlessness on the radio :
* Uncle James cuts Sarah's hair!
* Play with her hot music toy!Fearless Fun Female 4 : Esther Lee, 21
Job : SMU student studying law.
Most fearless thing she's done : She's once asked a guy out - completely on a whim, modelled a disgustingly hideous outfit at Far East Plaza in front of total strangers, have been in mud and water fights in public places!
Fearlessness on the radio :
* Run and belt a Pussycat Dolls song!
* Getting Brazilian waxed!Fearless Fun Female 5 : Neha Mehta, 24
Job : She's a lawyer.
Most fearless thing she's done : Driving an F1 car when she's not the best driver and bungee-jumped even though she's terrified of heights!
Fearlessness on the radio :
* Lap dance with Jack & Rai
Anyone going? Doors open at 7pm sharp, free entry for all & free flow of Bacardi Superior Rum till 9pm.
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