Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Do you want a long email address?

Are you out to irritate people with a super long email address? If you are, http://www.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.com is the site you should go to register one irritating email address.

The email address is so long that some web form are unable to read your email address & some mail client cannot be configured to receive mails to this account. Many would have problem typing your email address too if they don't have an address book. On the resume, it may look impressive, but many company will think that the email address is a fake & you are playing a joke on them.

Since there's so many cons to it, will you still register as one of the World's Longest Alphabetical Email Address holder? Anyway, it's free & I guess it will take spammer alot of work to send a spam mail to this account.