Monday, June 2, 2008

Sorting out the ERP woes

The ERP gate at Beach road had fails my IU & Cashcard twice this year. Both IU & Cashcard seems fine to me as I was able to exit the carpark of Suntec without any issue. Lucky LTA never never fine me but was asked to go for a IU inspection.

When I was at the inspection center, there were many vehicle, really many waiting to had their IUs & Cashcards checked hopefully to waive off the ERP administration fees. But, I was the lucky one as I'm the only one that when under the new one-stop service scheme.

Before yesterday, motorists caught passing under ERP gantries without paying due to some glitch had to go three places to iron out their problems. They would have to appeal to the LTA to waive the administration fees, go to authorised mechanics to verify IU problems and finally, get to card issuer Nets to exchange the Cashcards.

The long-drawn-out process had tested the patience of many drivers who insisted that the fault was either with the CashCard, the IU or the gantry itself. The fee is $10 each time the gantry does not detect the card & we drivers had to pay for the fault! This is not fair at all.