What the world has becoming to? Can a man really get pregnant? Doing the woman's job? The fact about this is that there really are, but its not a regular pregnant! It is an American man, 34, Named Thomas Beatie. He lives in Oregon and is married to a woman called Nancy.
The reason Thomas can be pregnant at all and is expecting a girl in July is because he used to be a woman. He was born in Hawaii and was originally called Tracy Lagondino.When she grew up, Tracy had a sex change that involved receiving testosterone injections; she also had her breasts removed but retained the female reproductive organs.
Thomas wrote about his extraordinary story in the American gay magazine The Advocate. Yet another shocking case. This time a real man by the name of Lee Mingwei was feature at Male Pregnancy & he kept a pregnancy journal online. Its really shocking as biologically, women are the only gifted to be able to give birth to children. But with the current science and medicine, its really possible for man to be pregnant!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
A pregnant man?
:: MoMo Health
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