Date: 29th March 2008 (Today)
Time: 2000H - 2100H (GMT +8)
Action: Turn off the Lights (or more if you want)
Website : or http://www.earthhour.orgSomething that caught my attention today!! The "Earth Hour 2008".
Between 8pm to 9pm tonight, hundreds or maybe even thousands of people across the island will be switching off their lights in support of Earth Hour 2008. A movement “created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.” Many other nations will also be participating in this based on their own timezone.
You can be part of this by just doing one simple act - switching off your lights for that one hour. During the one hour, maybe can go for a run, go take a nap, or maybe have that candlelight dinner you’ve always wanted to have!
I’m sure the reason for this action is clear - Global Warming!
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