Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tough rules for cabbies

New rule to deter touting. Also a fine of $130 for picking up or letting off passengers within nine metres of bus stops. This puts cabbies in a spot.

Will this rule still apply for the following scenario?
• Rainy Day?
• Elder or Disable Passanger.
• The Sick or Pregnant lady.
• Lift lobby is within 9m to bus stop.

During rainy days, if the rule still apply, it will be really heartless for cabbies to alight commuters aways from shelter. Not to mention if the commuters are an elder, disable or pregnant. Or maybe you have some bulky item onboard but the lift lobby is within 9m from the bus stop? Have LTA consider this?

If the taxi drivers do not stop as instructed by the passengers, the passengers will complain to LTA/Taxi company and have to waste time to face investigation. LTA set the rule, but Taxi drivers must now bear the blunt because of fines and demerit points. Will Taxi Company prepared to explain to the commuters?