Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Feng Shui Tips on Dressing for Success

Tip 1 : Clean up your act!
Never wear torn and dirty clothes, as this is one of the worst things you can do to undermine your personal feng shui. It may be fashionable and cool to wear faded, torn or frayed denim, but be warned that dressing like this brings very bad luck. It attracts poverty and unlucky chi that often translates to severe ill fortune.

Tip 2 : Image counts
Keep yourself well groomed at all times. Don't dress like a slob even if you're just going out to buy a few groceries - you never know who you may bump into. Good grooming doesn't mean dressing in designer clothes or in suits all the time; it merely means presenting a balanced, harmonious look to the world. So before you go out, be sure to at least wash your face, tidy your hair, put on some clean, neat clothes and you'll be all set to go.

Tip 3 : Dry your clothes by day
Fresh, clean clothes that have been hung out to dry in the breeze during daylight have absorbed yang energies that add positive vibes to your appearance. As said in a previous article, try not to hang out your washing at night or in enclosed or shady places, as they will not be able to benefit from the purifying yang chi of day.

Tip 4 : Wear auspicious symbols
Beautiful accessories and jewellery decorated with lucky symbols serve to add zest to your wardrobe as well as bring you good fortune wherever you go. Wearing jackets, scarves, shawls, earrings, pendants and rings that feature the celestial dragon, the beautiful phoenix, the wealth ship, Chinese coins, the arrowana, etc. is a great way to enhance your personal feng shui.

Tip 5 : Create facial balance
This is for the ladies: did you know you could use make-up to improve the feng shui of your facial features? To the Chinese, a face with good feng shui is said to have full cheeks, small but full lips, full but gently curved jaws and fine, well-shaped eyebrows. The eyes should not be set too close together, and the cheeks must not be gaunt and sunken. So, wield that makeup brush to sculpt and create for yourself a more auspicious countenance!

Tip 6 : Five Element Fashion
Find out your kua number and refer to the chart below to discover the shapes and colours that will help enhance your luck. Incorporate these shapes into the cut as well as the patterns, prints and motifs of your clothes. Choose the shades of your success colour that flatter you best. Have fun mixing and matching!

Kua NumberSuccess ElementSuccess ShapeSuccess Colours
1WoodRectangle, stripesGreen
2EarthSquareBeige, light yellow, earthy shades, brown
3FireTriangle, A-lineRed, orange, bright yellow
4WaterWavy, curvedBlue, Black
5EarthSquareBeige, light yellow, earthy shades, brown
6MetalCircular, roundWhite, silver, gold, metallic colours
7MetalCircular, roundWhite, silver, gold, metallic colours
8EarthSquareBeige, light yellow, earthy shades, brown
9WoodRectangle, stripesGreen