Saturday, April 17, 2010

'Marrying' a celeb in the other world

For only S$10.25, one can marry off a dead family member or friend to a celebrity.

As its Qing Ming festival (Chinese All Souls Day) now, a creative businessman in China has come out with a replica marriage certificate for the afterworld, endorsed by the 'United Nations'.

For only 50 yuan (S$10.25), one can marry off a dead family member or friend to a celebrity. A copy of the replica marriage certificate, containing names, particulars and photos of the couple, would be issued. The certificate will then be burnt to the departed "bride" or "bridegroom".

According to Chutian Metro Daily, the document was seized from a stall selling paper replicas for the dead in Hubei. It was among other paraphernalia including bungalows, cars, mistresses, personal doctors and nurses, displayed at the stall. The daily's reporter observed that the stall had prepared a list of "celebrity brides" for their customers. Among them were Maggie Cheung Man-yuk, Jolin Tsai, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears.

China Industry and Commerce Law enforcement officer said the stall was raided for intellectual property infringement.