Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ERP rates to be increase by 20-100%

For those who contributed by paying high COEs, here's a big THANK YOU from LTA.

It will be costlier to use the roads as ERP (Electronic Road Pricing) rates for four gantries are set to increase from 20-100%.

From May 3 onwards, motorists have to pay $3 instead of $2.50 when passing the two gantries at ECP (Fort Road) and KPE slip road to ECP during 8.30-9.30am. This is an increase of 20%.

Motorists passing through the two ERP gantries at PIE Adam Road and Mount Pleasant will have to fork out $2 from 8-8.30am (for Adam Road) and 8.30-9am (for Mount Pleasant), a rise of 100% and 33% respectively.

However, rates at two gantries will be reduced.

Passing through the CTE gantry that is north of Braddell Road will be cheaper. The rate from 7.30-8am has been decreased from $2.50 to $2, a reduction of 20%.

The westbound PIE gantry before Eunos Link will be free-of-charge from 7-7.30am.

ERP rates are usually revised when the Land Transport Authority completes its quarterly review of traffic conditions on EPR-priced roads and expressways. The next ERP review will take place in May for the June school holidays.