Sunday, March 4, 2007

Productive & Destructive of the Five Element

The core of Chinese sciences of the Universe: Feng Shui, the Chinese Astrology and various other Divinity methods revolves around the understanding of the importance of the Five Elements. These elements are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal and are considered the building blocks of life.

According to ancient Chinese, these Five Elements are interactive, shape and stimulate our daily life. It is important to understand that there is a natural order in which leads to harmony, prosperity and happiness.

The productive sequence is as follows: Water nourish plants and trees: producing Wood, Wood makes Fire which burnt into ashes to form Earth, Earth is the source of Metal. Metal can be condensed to water or can be melted into liquid i.e. `Water'. Therefore this process is known as the productive sequence.

There is also a destructive sequence, which is the cause of bad events and calamities.

This is a result of an imbalance or a disturbance to the natural order. This is where: Water puts out Fire; Fire melts Metal; Metal breaks Wood; Wood (roots of plants) penetrates the Earth; and Earth is absorbed Water.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for a Feng Shui practioner to ask you to place potted plants in the North (Water element) of the house or to have `warm' coloured curtains in the South (Fire element) to `enhance' that particular location. Or place a neutralizing element to avoid the harmful effects spot.

Locate the threaten or strength influencing an element

SiteThreat fromNeutralizing element
WaterEarthWood or Metal
EarthWoodMetal or Fire
WoodMetalFire or Water
FireWaterEarth or Wood
MetalFireWater or Earth

Finding a Cure
Waterfabrics in blue, grey, black leather and blue paintings e.g. sea scenes
Earthplants or yellow fabrics or yellow paints and painting.
Woodplants, wooden furniture and wooden objects.
Firemore warm colours, light and heating.
Metalmetallic objects like chrome, stainless steel, decorative bronze and silver and any other metal objects.