Saturday, April 17, 2010

News Blackout on SDP’s Economic Forum

The Singapore media has imposed a complete news blackout on the economic forum hosted by the Singapore Democratic Party in March. Instead, the Straits Times ran an article on the spat between SDP’s Secretary-General Dr Chee Soon Juan and opposition leader Mr Chiam See Tong which purportedly happened 17 years ago.

During the public forum held in March, SDP leaders took turns to address the economic concerns of Singaporeans such as the issue of foreign workers, income inequality and falling productivity. SDP’s Assistant Secretary John Tan also spoke at length of the problem of the “non-transparency and the non-accountability of the GIC and Temasek.”

He proposed prohibiting government leaders and their from assuming positions of control at the two corporations and presented the Norwegian model of managing a sovereign wealth fund which is well-managed, transparent and democratic.

GIC and Temasek have under intense public scrutiny of late for losing billions of dollars of the nation’s reserves in failed overseas investments. There is no opposition in Parliament to hold the ruling party accountable. Neither are there any Singaporeans who dare to criticize their leaders publicly out of fear of be sued for defamation.

Dr Chee ended the forum by reminding the audience that the “SDP’s plan was not a populist one where everything is provided for free by the state and that citizens had to shoulder their share of financial responsibility in order that the system is not unduly burdened by debt.”

For more, click on the following SDP link.