Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Civilians take over fitness training at SAF

The days of the much-feared physical training instructor (PTI) of the Singapore Armed Forces are numbered.

The taskmaster in a white singlet who puts every chrome dome through punishing physical training will be replaced by civilians, as physical training throughout the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is outsourced to commercial fitness outfits.

The PTIs, known as fitness specialists in the SAF, will be replaced by the end of next year. First its the UCI (Unarmed Combat Instructor), now the PTI. Which one will be the next to go? So, will the new PT consist of Body Combat, Spinning, Body Pump, & even Dynamic Yoga?

Does it mean that RT & IPT will be conducted by them too? If that's the case, can we go to their outlet for PT instead of the camp?