The current contentious issue on the affordability of public housing was given another airing by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew who cautioned Singaporeans not to cast a protest vote against the ruling party over this.
As Singaporeans lament rising flat prices, he said they ought to understand that the Government sells them at a subsidised price, below market rate, so that they can own an asset that will appreciate in value over the years. It adds to their wealth and this is an asset-enhancing policy Mr Lee believes citizens should not find fault with.
Although HDB are being subsidised, but unless we are getting New units, else the COV might just kill us instantly. HDB had many units available for sales, but many has been labeled picky due to the their ethnic quotas is full.And if National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan is unable to defend this policy, 'he deserves to lose' at the next general election, he quipped, to laughter from the participants, including a chuckling Mr Mah. But if Mr Mah loses to the opposition, he warned that Singaporeans better sell their flats fast as they would no longer be of any value.
Why do we need to sell our flats fast for the money? In the first place, HDB built flats is to let Singaporeans have a box of their own that is called "Home". A place to encourage a sense of rootedness in the country. But since when it has turned into a wealth generating tools? Why HDB is not on-course with what they had first started on? The reason to built flats.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Serious Warning from our MM
:: MoMo Polity
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