Saturday, November 7, 2009

Giant Jellyfish Sink Trawler

Gigantic jellyfish have sunk a 10-tonne fishing trawler off Chiba in eastern Japan. Sound like Sea Monster back in those Ancient time.

The three-strong crew of the Diasan Shinsho-maru had been trying to haul in a net containing dozens of Nomura's jellyfish - which can tip the scales at a stunning 200kg each - when their vessel capsized.

Nomura's Jellyfish is a very large jellyfish, the largest cnidarian in the world which the diameter of these jellyfish is can be greater than the height of an average fully grown man. The numbers of these huge creatures, have risen greatly this year in the seas around Japan, likely because of favourable weather and water conditions in breeding grounds off China.

The crew were rescued by another fishing vessel under calm conditions. The last time Nomura's jellyfish numbers spiked, in 2005, nets were damaged while their toxic stings injured fishermen and rendered fish inedible.