There has been 2 cases of robberies on the overhead bridge already. You have been warned. Now they target old folks, soon they will target the ladies also. Singapore is going to be as dangerous as JB now, especially during this economic downturn.
Case #1 : Clementi Road
An elderly woman had her handbag stolen from her while she was crossing the overhead bridge at Clementi Road. The 63 year old retiree was walking up the overhead bridge when a male suspect approached her from the back, snatched her handbag and ran down the bridge towards Clementi Street 13. The victim tried to give chase but fell down and suffered abrasions on her palms and elbow. Her bag contained $100 in cash and other personal documents.
The suspect is described to be in his late teens to early 20s and has black hair. He was last seen wearing a blue T-shirt and bermudas.
Case #2 : Balestier Road
A 50 year old woman was the victim of a snatch theft while crossing an overhead bridge at Balestier Road, near Mcnair Road. The incident happened on Sunday night, at about 11.30 pm while the victim was on her way home. The suspect approached her from behind, snatched her handbag and ran off in the direction of Tessensohn Road. The handbag contained $700 in cash, the victim's mobile phone and other personal items.
The suspect is described as tanned, in his 20s and wearing a blue t-shirt with jeans.
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