Thursday, May 21, 2009

Irritated by SMS Text Message Threading or Conversation Mode?

HTC Touch 3G user out there (Usually Starhub). Do you get annoyed or irritated by the Message Threading or the Conversation Mode? For me yes! Although it look really cool like Apple's iPhone that you can see the whole conversation, but its not really user friendly tho.

For those who want to disable it, below is the detail steps.
• Start up your registry editor
• Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\OEM\
• Create a new DWORD with value name SMSInboxThreadingDisabled
• Set the DWORD value data to 1 & leave the HEX & DEC to default.
• Soft reset your HTC to make the change effective

If you don't have any Registry Editor, you may try CeRegEditor. Its a desktop registry editor for PPC.