Friday, January 16, 2009

House Warming Preview

Buffet Menu for the day :
Thai Pineapple Rice Top with Chicken Floss 泰式黄梨饭
Stir-Fry Bee Hoon Vegetarian Delight 素食米粉
Cereal Prawn 麦片虾
Nonya Chicken Curry 娘惹咖哩鸡
Mutton Rendang 羊肉仁当
Vegetarian Spring Roll 素食春卷
Home-made Ngoh Hiang Stuff with Water Chestnut 家乡五香
Fried Japanese Tofu With Mushroom Sauce 日本豆腐
Bo Bo Cha Cha 波波扎扎
Fresh Fruits Platter 水果缤盘
Home Made Barley 家酿玉米水


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Home sweet Home finally is UP

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