Saturday, January 17, 2009

Blaming the recent Strong Wind

For the dust that it bring along!! Just one night, a day of spring cleaning has gone down the drain, with dust accumulating again around the house!! The only good is that no need to even turn on the fan to enjoy a cool night sleep. Heard that for safety reasons, Singapore Polytechnic has decided, to take down two banners after one was blown away by the strong wind. It has been super windy this few days. Could this be the same intense cold air blowing in from China that cools Thailand?

Usually, only when there's a thunderstorms or heavy rainfall that our temperature here could drop to below 26°C. But do you happen to notice that this monsoon season has very little rain, but yet the temperature went as low as 24°C on a Sunny day?

Singapore have an average wind speed of around 15Km/h to 20Km/h, but this week, the figure goes up to 30Km/h to 40Km/h. In the NEA's fortnightly outlook, Moderate North-East Monsoon conditions should continue to prevail with Singapore experiencing occasionally windy conditions.

Between December to March, stronger winds over the South China Sea and parts of the region are caused when "occasional surges of cold air" head this way from northern China. The impact of the high pressure system is windy conditions across the island as we have been having the past couple of days. So this is really the same wind than.