Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shouldn't monk renounced all worldly ties

Today, we see the fall of Ren Ci, another most recognised charity organisation, after NKF. Is there really no one in the charity community that can be trusted?

Venerable Shi Ming Yi looks so honest and trustworthy, shouldn't monk renounced all their belongings & have cut off all worldly ties? Why would he still fall for such temptations? Dedicating entire life to the highest wisdom & teaching of Buddha, this mistake is going to cost him everything.

Head of Ren Ci Hospital, the Venerable Shi Ming Yi has been charged with alleged forgery, conspiracy and misuse of funds. He who was also former Ren Ci Chairman, was slapped with 10 charges Tuesday morning. Two of his associates Raymong Yeung and Phua Seow Hua were also alleged to have gone into conspiracy with the Venerable and were also charged in court Tuesday.

The monk faces four charges under the Penal Code involving two counts of alleged criminal breach of trust. He also faces one count of alleged forgery for the purpose of cheating and one count of abetment for allegedly falsifying accounts. On top of that, he also faces six charges under the Charities Act for allegedly providing false information.

The Commercial Affairs Department was called in after auditors engaged by the Health Ministry highlighted possible irregularities in some of the charity's financial transactions. The Ministry of Health had said that several transactions, which involved several million dollars, could not be satisfactorily explained.