Saturday, July 19, 2008

Political Party's Website Spam-ed?

The Young PAP website's mission statement was to maintain the party's position as the mainstream political party in Singapore, so sexually explicit messages are the last thing you would expect to find on the website's forum.

Some 20 sexually explicit threads were started on the Young PAP website's Suggestions/Feedback forum. All of the messages contain no pictures, but were crammed full of links to sex videos. A few threads were started as early as July 4, suggesting that the forums were not regularly moderated.

All the most recent indecent threads were started by a user going by the name of 'marokkols'. The user's profile page states that marokkols is from Tunisa, and joined the forum on 22 June this year, or slightly more than 2 weeks before the first explicit post.

Many older posts found on the Young PAP website's feedback forum are also irrelevant to the forum's focus. Posts with titles such as "Audi dealers" to those touting "BUY VIAGRA..!!! 1.27$ per PILL..!" were found on the forum, with the oldest post dating back to March 2007.

Just checked their forum again & the webmaster had removed those posts. Maybe they just need some gentle reminder..