Friday, June 6, 2008

Jucelino Nóbrega da Luz's Predictions

Guess many of you might have received the email on his predictions for the coming future, but do you really believe it? It does seem quite realistic as most of his prediction for the past year like the 9/11 attacks, the Tsunami on 26/12/2004 in Indonesia, a further Tremor in Sumatra, the correct location of Saddam Hussein in Tikrit, the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq and the winning of the soccer championship by Italy had been remarkable.

The Brazilian clairvoyant Jucelino Nóbrega da Luz was born in 07/03/1960, is said to hear a voice from next world which tells him the prophecies already for 38 years. For scientists this prediction was a good possibility to check the phenomenon of "Clairvoyance". The probability that on a certain day a quake with a magnitude of 8.5 or more happens is about 1:2000, that means 1x all 5 years. The probability that it happens in Sumatra, which is very quake-endangered, is about 1:50. The total probability is about 1:100.000, estimated error about 1:20.000 to 1:500.000. For psychiatrists, if a prediction is right, whether all internal voices are psychotic or if there are real voices. A mentally ill can never prophezize an earthquake so precisely. For Christians concerning such phenomena the question rises, if such messages are of divine or demonic nature.

It will be terrible, horrible & absolutely disastrous if all or most of the future predictions were to come true. It remind me of the Living Prophecy - The Mayan prediction of the 21 Dec 2012 or better known as the "The Time of Trial on Earth", "Judgement Day", "The Time of Great Purification", "The End of this Creation", "The Quickening", "The End of Time", "The Shift of the Ages".

The Maya messengers, reknowned for their architectural, artistic, mathematical and scientific achievements, left a calling card as a series of super-human sized stone monuments and pyramids with precise calendrical computations. Planted with great intention, these dates were left to ensure that future generations would be alerted to the coming end point of this great 26,000 year cycle(Precession of the Equinoxes). A cycle which corresponds also to a 26,000 year relationship of our Sun orbiting Alcyone, the central star of the 7 Sisters Pleiades constellation. According to the Maya, the "future" which lies beyond this end date is literally "a new world age" - "a new creation".

Thus the December 21, 2012 AD is not the day where all of the sudden a light switch will flip on and everything will change, rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date.

Here are some of it predictions for 2008 taken from his website @ for the near future. Lets see if it really happen as predicted. If it really dose, will you have the creepy feeling & start living your own life to the fullest or brace the storm ahead & be apart of the new creation?

June 2008
● Earthquake in Japan in the region of Osaka of 6.3, mark with many problems.
● A typhoon will hit Japan resulting big problems;
● Earthquake of 7.2 will hit Jakarta in Indonesia;
● Big floods in China resulted by a hurricane and it is already thousands of deaths and it starts to hit Bangladesh and Philippines;
● In Caribbean, a hurricane is being already a big problem and many deaths in Mexico, Jamaica, etc.
● In USA, three tornadoes hit the region of Texas, etc. resulting in big problems;
● In India, the floods is victimizing dozens of people and it is already more than 1000 homeless;
● The number of people with AIDS in Africa reach more than 40%, total unbalance and deaths everywhere.

July 2008
● Strong Typhoons hit Japan resulting in big disruption and many deaths;
● Australia is hit by a strong cyclone and there are many problems, leaving homeless;
● Chile will be hit by a Earthquake of 6.9 in Richter scale and São Paulo feel the tremor;
● Big floods hit France, Germany and Moldavia leaving thousands of homeless and deaths;
● Bombing kill more than 100 people in north of Iraq;
● Revolt and conflicts in Algeria (Africa) mark blood in the country. An earthquake of 7.1 hit the capital;
● A small earthquake of 3.1 is observed in the region of the Amazon;

Aug 2008
● In Fortaleza a small earth tremor of 4.2 is observed and it start to open more the subterranean fissure next to the sea (underwater) that came from Africa to Brazil;
● Earthquake in the capital of Israel put the country in alert because it is 5.3 in Richter scale;
● A earthquake of 7.8 hit Peru (Lima) resulting in dozens of deaths and thousands of homeless;
● A typhoon hit Japan resulting victims and homeless;
● A typhoon hit China and it is already thousands of homeless, strong rains result in floods and many deaths;
● South Korea is hit by a typhoon and there are many homeless;
● The drought starts in the south of Brazil and big earthquakes result floods in Porto Alegre RS municipality are isolated with the rains;
● Earthquakes hit Kashmir-Pakistan of 8.2 in Richter scale, thousands of deaths and homeless;