Thursday, June 19, 2008

ERP rates depended on taxis drivers

The ERP is up even those road condition is usually well above the LTA's average travel speeds. Wondering why this is so? Chances of us driving on the road for more than 10hrs a days is not really possible, but our dear cabbies does.

Look no further, the answer is here. According to LTA, the magic figure is not calculated base on 1 speedometer reading, but a fleet of 6,000. In order to capture all this data, taxis are fitted with LTA devices that measure the distance driven and the trip time. So taking the delays at traffic lights and road obstructions into account as well, the ERP will than be adjusted accordingly.

So.. If most of the LTA devices fitted taxis is always cruising at slow speed, than we are going to suffer! Next time, I'll give way to taxi just like ambulance.