Sunday, May 18, 2008

First SPAM was sent on 3 May 1978

The world will mark an anniversary that has changed the face and other anatomical regions of email inboxes everywhere. The first known spam email was sent 30 years ago!! That's older than me wo..

The message sent on May 3, 1978 by a marketer for the now defunct DEC computer company to around 400 people on the west coast of the United States wasn't called spam, and the sender dispatched it without ill intent. However, things have changed.

Spam got its name from a skit by the television show "Monty Python's Flying Circus," in which a group of Vikings in a restaurant that serves all of its food with Spam tinned meat sing a song repeating the word ad nauseum. Thus, Spam was refer to the term "something that keeps repeating and repeating to great annoyance".

Spam content and motives have also evolved since the 1978 message, which was an invitation to a product launch. These days spamming is a sophisticated operation that affects millions and jams ill-prepared email inboxes. The percentage of spam sent to account holders on Gmail quadrupled between 2004 and 2008, climbing from 20 percent to around 80 percent.

Spam methodology has also changed in the past 30 years. Whereas the sender of the first spam had to type in each recipient's address individually, today the job is often done remotely using cyber-monsters called botnets. Botnets have hijacked around 30 percent of personal and office computers with inadequate security features and use them to dispatch thousands of spams each day. The recruited computers wait for commands that come through anonymous channels and tell them to send spam email to 1,000 people, all unbeknownst to their owners. The people who do this control millions of computers around the world.

Despite warnings, the spammers still fish and people still bite.


Bingbing said...

older than u, like more than only a few days oh.......hee