Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rednano: Singapore's first local search engine

Have you tried searching for more information about ERP gantries at PIE exits on a typical search engine, only to get results that direct you to websites about "enterprise resource planning" and Danish pastries? If you are looking for Singapore-specific information on the internet, SPH's latest oline offering, Rednano, might be just the thing you need. Its search capabilities promises Singapore-centric results presented in a complete package with images, directories and maps.

One of Rednano's features is its ability to understand local terms and abbreviations. For example, entering the term "homerun" into the search field on Rednano will bring back results of the Jack Neo movie, while a similar search on Google and Yahoo will provide information about the best of baseball.

From general terms such as "esplanade" to those with a local context, such as "wayang", Rednano was able to effectively filter out the general from those uniquely Singapore in most of our searches. If you are looking for something uniquely Singapore, Rednano will be your search engine of choice.