Friday, February 29, 2008

INTERPOL issues Orange notice global alert for Mas Selamat bin Kastari

An urgent worldwide security alert, or Orange Notice, has been issued by INTERPOL after the escape of an alleged leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group from a jail in Singapore.

Mas Selamat bin Kastari escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre on Wednesday 27 February where he was being held following his deportation from Indonesia to Singapore in February 2006.

Following a request from Singapore, INTERPOL issued the Orange Notice - which includes Kastari’s photograph and fingerprints, essential elements to help law enforcement officers in their search and eventual verification of his identity when located and arrested – to each of its 186 National Central Bureaus (NCBs).

“Singapore is clearly doing all that it can on a national level to locate this fugitive and through issuing an Orange Notice, INTERPOL and all of its member countries can support these efforts on an international scale,” said Executive Director of Police Services Jean-Michel Louboutin.

The Orange Notice was originally created to warn police, public entities and other international organizations of potential threats related to disguised weapons, explosives and other dangerous materials; however it can also be issued by INTERPOL’s General Secretariat in Lyon, France for any act or event which poses a risk to the safety and security of citizens around the world.