Sunday, February 3, 2008

Feng Shui Tips For Year 2008

For the troubled year ahead, wishing all success and may your days be filled with happiness and good health throughout the year. Do also remember the wise man saying below.

"If you must speak ill of another, do not speak it. Instead, write it in the sand near the water's edge..."

:: Northeast ::
Decorate this sector with a vase of growing plants filled with water in your bedroom to enhance both romance & academic endeavors.

:: East ::
Place a table lamp or install a light bulb in the East sector of your living hall or office to improve financial luck. You can also place a cup of water to increase both your financial luck and attract helpful people.

:: North ::
Place your own photographs or items made of metal in this sector of your room or office to improve both career luck and business deal. In addition, place a cup of water besides to increase financial luck.

:: Southeast ::
You may place a pot of live plant that is associated with wood element in this location. This is also a sector that develops good couple relationships

:: South ::
This location indicates accidents, illness and bad luck of all kinds. Decorate this sector with items that are associated with metal element to suppress its negative energy.

:: Northwest ::
This location indicates accidents, illness. Decorate this sector with items that are associated with metal element to suppress its negative energy.

:: Southwest ::
Locations that brings gossip, accidents, financial losses, burglary and robbery. Avoid placing items associated with metal element in this sector. You may place a bowl of water to weaken its negative force and at the same time, enhance personal luck especially for sales oriented individual.

Important Notes :
Without proper time given, do not attempt any groundbreaking in the North and South, as it can bring misfortunes like financial loss, injury and sickness.

If the wealth remedies work for you, remember to contribute part of your good fortune to charity organization for the needy.