Friday, January 25, 2008

Prices of suckling pigs double due to supply shortage in China

The prices of suckling pigs have doubled recently due to a drop in supply from China. A 5kg pig is going for as much as S$180. Is this too much??

Nowadays, more & more people in China can afford suckling pigs. Therefore with the higher local consumption, fewer are exported. That's one reason why there's a shortage.

Another reason is that the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has stopped some of the five licensed pork suppliers from selling to Singapore after finding a banned antibiotic, known as Nitrofuran, in their pigs.

Between January and November last year, 108,300 suckling pigs were imported, down from 220,000 in 2006. As prices were already fixed in December last year, restaurants have to absorb some of the price hike and expect lower profits this year. So, will the hike be transferred to us consumer?