Thursday, January 3, 2008

Leave Planning for 2008

Many public holidays fall close to weekends so tagging on annual leave will lead to a string of long breaks. It is all thanks to the fluky way public holidays fall next year. Apart from Hari Raya Aidilfitri, all the days off are close to weekends, so taking an extra day adds up to a four-day long week ends.

• 2 Feb - 10 Feb : 3DL=9DF
• 20 Mar - 23 Mar : 1DL=4DF or 20 Mar - 24 Mar : 2DL=5DF
• 1 May - 4 May : 1DL=4DF
• 16 May - 19 May : 1DL=4DF
• 8 Aug - 10 Aug : 1DL=3DF
• 27 Sep - 1 Oct : 2DL=5DF or 1 Oct - 5 Oct : 2DL=5DF or 27 Sep - 5 Oct : 4DL=9DF
• 25 Oct - 28 Oct : 1DL=4DF or 24 Oct - 28 Oct : 2DL=5DF or 28 Oct - 2Nov : 3DL=6DF
• 5 Dec - 8 Dec : 1DL=4DF
• 25 Dec - 28 Dec : 1 DL=4DF
• 1 Jan - 4 Jan : 1DL=4DF

Conclusion - 13DL=45DF Worth it?