Sunday, November 25, 2007

IDA to spend S$2.5m to get senior citizens connected to the internet

The government plans to get three-quarters of all senior citizens aged 55 years and above to gain access to the internet within two years. And it is spending S$2.5 million to do so.

Children and the disabled will also benefit under the InfoComm Development Authority (IDA)'s plans. When it comes to IT, age is just a numbers game. The government aims to get more senior citizens on board the IT bandwagon through its Silver Infocomm Junction.

It is part of a 3-year Silver Infocomm Initiative under the Intelligent Nation 2015 masterplan, where more than 30,000 senior citizens will be equipped with digital skills and knowledge.

From learning how to use the computer to surfing the internet, senior citizens can go to the Silver Infocomm Junction to be technologically savvy. Now this is the first of such hubs, with seven more expected to be up and running within the next three years.

IDA is extending its NEU PC programme, which has helped to equip 24,000 needy households with a computer bundle, to introduce an extra mile of financial support called iNSPIRE Fund. This will help children under the programme who are still unable to co-pay the subsidised computer and broadband bundle of S$285.