Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Time Capsule gone MISSING..

A time capsule buried in Singapore's main sports stadium in 1970, containing coins, newspapers and sports memorabilia could not be located and has sparked a frantic search for it.

The Singapore Sports Council (SSC) has hired contractors to scour the stadium, including the VIP car park, for the missing copper capsule, which was buried under the National Stadium's foundations.

The capsule was buried under the foundation stone at Kallang by then Minister for Finance Goh Keng Swee on Feb 23, 1970, three years before the National Stadium was officially open by then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.

The metal capsule was thought to have been buried in front of the staircase leading up to the grandstand tribune, where there used to be a fountain. The foundation was removed in the last 1970s.

According to file reports, a special relay was held to mark the laying of the capsule. Singapore's sporting stars, sprint legend C. Kunalan and high-jump champion Noor Azahar took part in it. Azahar was the one who handed the cylinder to Dr Goh. They are still in the process of locating the capsule and and have sought the help of various people who were involved with this project then. There are some documents to guide them in the search but they are not accurate. Now, they are still trying to verify if the capsule was indeed buried under the foundation stone!