Thursday, March 22, 2007

Twitching Eyelid - Superstition?

Eyelid twitching meaning good or bad omen? Or just being too superstition (迷信)? To many, things happen for a reason. It may be a message for you. Be it good or bad, most of the time it's just to let you know that your eyes need to take a rest..

The irregular, sporadic twitching or so-called "jumping" eyelids may involve one or both eyelids, that is, the lower &/or upper eyelids, are usually unilateral and may occur intermittently for days to months. The cause is unknown but are likely due to a history of stress, tiredness or fatigue, excessive caffeine or alcohol intake.

Looking on the superstition side of the story, twitching of the left or right eyelids has a different meaning. Old folks understanding it by "左吉右凶" meaning left good, right bad. From my elders, a more detail one would be "左眼跳财,右眼跳灾,俩眼其跳,破财消灾" meaning left fortune, right disaster, both loss fortune to cover disaster. Sound serious?? Came across an even detail one from a friend.

For Guys:
- left top lid = xi (good things will happen)
- left bottom = nu (anger)
- right top = ai (sadness)
- right bottom = le (happy things will happen)

For Gals:
- left top lid = ai (sadness)
- left bottom = le (happy things will happen)
- right top = xi (good things will happen)
- right bottom = nu (anger)

Is this being Too/Over superstition??