Friday, March 30, 2007

Breast Cancer - Who said the man don't get it?

Detect Breast Cancer Early With Monthly Breast Self-Examination!!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Singapore. If discovered early, the chances of survival are high. Recent Channel 8 drama "Making Miracles" has alerted the public that not only the ladies, but guys also has chances of getting breast cancer.

Regular monthly breast self-examination (BSE) helps you to be more aware of any breast lump or change in your breasts. Most breast lumps or changes are not cancerous, but it is important that you see your doctor about them immediately.

The 3 simple steps to BSE

Step 1: Look For Changes In Front Of A Mirror with the position arms raise above your head & pressing your hands firmly against your hips to tighten your chest muscles. In each of these positions, turn slowly from side to side and look for changes in the:
- size or shape of your breasts
- nipples
- appearance of the skin (e.g. dimpling)

Step 2: Feel for changes in front of the mirror (or when lying down)
- Feel your armpit for lumps by using small circular movements.
- Start from the outside edge of your breast, feel around the breast in smaller and smaller circles.
- Feel behind the nipple.
- Finally, squeeze the nipple gently for signs of bleeding and discharge.

Step 3: Please see a doctor as soon as possible if you observe the following:
- A lump in your breast
- A persistent rash around the nipple
- A retracted nipple
- Bleeding or unusual discharge from the nipple
- Swollen or thickened skin
- Dimpled or puckered skin